

























Résultats 71 - 80 de 217

The National eStrategy for Lebanon

2003 - IT/03/8 - Akram Najjar - Salam Yamout - Kamal Siblini

1. Background 1.1. ICT for Development / UNDP 1.2. Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform 1.3. Scope of Work 1.4. The Work Plan and Phasing of the Project 1.5.The Consulting Team 1.6. The Technical Committee 2. The Structure of the Deliverables 3. Persons and Organizations Met with

Supply and Installation of Information Systems: Single - Stage Bidding

2003 - IT/03/9

Preface Invitation for Bids (IFB) Section 1: Instructions to Bidders (ITB) Section 2: Bid Data Sheet (BDS) Section 3: Eligibility for the Provision of Goods, Works, and Services in Bank-Financed Procurement Section 4: General Conditions of Contract Section 5: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) Section 6: Technical Requirements (Including Implementation Schedule) Section 7: Sample Forms

Supply and Installation of Information Systems: Two - Stage Bidding

2003 - IT/03/10

Preface Invitation for Bids (IFB) Section 1: Instructions to Bidders (ITB) Section 2: Bid Data Sheet (BDS) Section 3: Eligibility for the Provisions of Goods, Works, and Services in Bank Financed procurement Section 4: General Conditions of Contract Section 5: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) Section 6: Technical Requirements ( including Implementation Schedule) Section 7: Sample Forms

المعلوماتية القضائية في لبنان

2003 - IT/03/12 - اللجنة الاقتصادية والإجتماعية لغربي آسيا

Telecommunications Sector Policy

2003 - TE/a03/1

PREFACE - OBJECTIVES OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY - LEBANON’S TELECOMMUNICATONS POLICY - The Liberalisations of Telecommunications - The Establishment of an Effective Regulatory Framework - Increasing Private Participation in Telecommunications - Safeguarding Social Objectives

GSM Monitoring Programme: Report Number 1

2003 - TE/b03/1 - Ericsson AB

1. Executive Summary 2. Recommendations Summary 2.1. Revenue Monitoring 2.2. Network Quality & Performance 3. Revenue Monitoring 3.1. FTML Revenue Reconciliation 3.2. Libancell Revenue Reconciliation 3.3. Data Sources Used In Revenue Reconciliation 3.4. Use Of Calculation & Verification Tool (CVT) In Revenue Reconciliation 3.5. Use Of The GSM Monitoring Solution In Revenue Reconciliation 3...

GSM Monitoring Programme: Report Number 2

2003 - TE/b03/2 - Ericsson AB

1. Executive Summary 2. Table of Contents 3.Introduction 3.1. Background 3.2. Purpose of The GSM Monitoring Programme 3.3. Programme Approach 3.4. Time Plan & Deliverables 3.5. Progress of The Programme 4. Recommendations Summary 4.1. Revenue Monitoring Recommendations 4.2. Network Quality & Performance Recommendations 5. Revenue Monitoring 5.1. End To End Revenue Reconciliation 5.2...

Public Payphone Project- monthly Progress Report for May 2003

2003 - TE/03/1 - Dar Al Handasah (Shair and Partners)

1. Introduction to Payphone Project 2. Project Implementation Plan and Installation Progress 3. Booth Design 4. Card Dispenser 5. Payphone Network Management System - Open PMS 6. Smart Cards 7. Variations to Original Scope 8. Man - Months Utilization 9. Financial Report



























Résultats 71 - 80 de 217