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GSM Monitoring Programme: Report Number 6

2004 - TE/b04/4 - Ericsson AB

1. Executive Summary 2. Key Recommendations & Findings 2.1. Revenue Monitoring 2.2. Network Quality & Performance 3. Revenue Monitoring 3.1. FTML Revenue Reconciliation 3.2. Libancell Revenue Reconciliation 3.3. Trending of Reported And Calculated Revenue 3.4. Prepaid Revenue And Airtime Usage Reconciliation 3.5. Use of The GSM Monitoring Solution Tool In Revenue Reconciliation 3.6...

GSM Monitoring Programme: Report Number 7

2004 - TE/b04/5 - Ericsson AB

1. Executive Summary 2. Key Recommendations & Findings 2.1. Revenue Monitoring Recommendations 3.Revenue Monitoring 3.1. FTML Revenue Reconciliation 3.2. Libancell Revenue Reconciliation 3.3. Trending Of Reported And Calculated Revenue 3.4. Prepaid Revenue And Airtime Usage Reconciliation 3.5. Use Of The GSM Monitoring Solution Tool In Revenue Reconciliation 3.6. Revenue Collection 3.7. Non...

GSM Monitoring Programme: Report Number 8

2004 - TE/b04/6 - Ericsson AB

1. Executive Summary 1.1. GSM Monitoring Programme Summary and Conclusion 1.2. The Results of This Month’s Revenue Reconciliation 1.3. Future GSM Business Opportunities 2. Key Recommendations & Findings 3. Revenue Monitoring 3.1. FTML Revenue Reconciliation 3.2. Libancell Revenue Reconciliation 3.3. Trending of Reported and Calculated Revenue 3.4. Prepaid Revenue and Airtime Usage...

GSM Monitoring Programme: Amendment to Report Number 8

2004 - TE/b04/7 - Ericsson AB

1. Summary 2. Revenue Monitoring 2.1. Libancell Revenue Reconciliation 2.2. Trending of Reported and Calculated Revenue 3. Contents of Appendices 3.1. Revenue Monitoring Appendices

The report submitted by the Minister of Communications to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers on comprehensive monitoring of the work of the two cell phone companies and the provision of technical, administrative and financial consultations

2004 - TE/b04/8 - Ministry of Telecommunications

أولاً: في الإطار القانوني ثانياً: في ضرورات الرقابة الشاملة وتقديم الخدمات الإستشارية

Available in English: Lebanon Information Society Action (2003-2010)- World Summit on the Information Society - October + November

2003 - IT/03/2

A. Introduction B. Objectives, Goals and Targets C. Action Lines and Relevant Projects 1. Information and Communication Infrastructure 2. Access To Information and Knowledge 3. The Role of Governments, The Business Sector and Civil Society and UN and Other Public International Organizations in The Promotion of ICTS For Development 4. Capacity Building 5. Building Confidence, Trust and Security...

Supply and Installation of Information Systems: Single - Stage Bidding

2003 - IT/03/9

Preface Invitation for Bids (IFB) Section 1: Instructions to Bidders (ITB) Section 2: Bid Data Sheet (BDS) Section 3: Eligibility for the Provision of Goods, Works, and Services in Bank-Financed Procurement Section 4: General Conditions of Contract Section 5: Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) Section 6: Technical Requirements (Including Implementation Schedule) Section 7: Sample Forms

Telecommunications Sector Policy

2003 - TE/a03/1

PREFACE - OBJECTIVES OF THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY - LEBANON’S TELECOMMUNICATONS POLICY - The Liberalisations of Telecommunications - The Establishment of an Effective Regulatory Framework - Increasing Private Participation in Telecommunications - Safeguarding Social Objectives

Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Public Switched Telephone Network

2003 - TE/02/1 - Dar Al Handasah (Shair and Partners)- Norconsult International

1. Executive Summary 2. Switching Progress 3. Buildings and Civil Works Progress 4. Outside Plant Progress 5. Transmission Progress 6. Invoicing Status 7. Man - Months Utilization 8. Site Name Index

Information Society Profiles for Western Asia 2003: Bahrain - Egypt - Iraq - Jordan - Kuwait - Lebanon - Oman - Palestine - Qatar - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Syrian Arab Republic - United Arab Emirates - Yemen

2003 - IT/b03/1 - Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

Information Society Profiles for Western Asia 2003 - National Profiles of the Information Society - Kingdom of Bahrain - 1. Legal and Regulatory Frameworks - 2. ICT Infrastructure - 3. ICT Capacity-Building - 4. Building the ICT Sector - 5. Applications in Government Establishments - 6. Applications in Education - 7. Applications in Commerce and Business - List of Annexes - 1. Information...



























Results 61 - 70 of 217